社団法人 物理探査学会

屈折法地震探査データの波形逆解析 その3 -実データへの適用-


We applied a waveform inversion method to actual SH-wave data obtained in shallow refraction survey to determine a 2D inhomogeneous S-wave profile. In this method, The misfit function, defined using differences between calculated and observed deconvolution waveforms, is minimized with a hybrid heuristic search method. Deconvoluted waveform is defined by dividing waveform data at each site by waveform at reference in the frequency domain. To validate this method, numerical experiments were conducted using synthetic SH-wave data and we could reconstruct a ground structure model such as blind layer. Then we applied the waveform inversion to actual data and compared the results obtained from inversion method and obtained from a conventional travel time method.