SEGJ Technical Conference

Ore-dyke characterization by implementing refraction tomography, transmission tomography and elastic waveform modeling

This paper deals with the application of travel time seismic tomography for a small scale purpose. The objective of this seismic survey is to identify the existence of ore-dyke, which has significant difference in elastic properties compared to surrounding rocks. The survey is very unique since it was conducted both on the surface and in subsurface, as well. Refraction tomography is applied to the surface seismic data, whereas transmission tomography is implemented to the underground data. The results of refraction and transmission tomographic analysis could identify the predicted ore-dyke, which has an average width of 3 m, in which its perturbed velocity is smaller than the surrounding rocks. In order to validate the obtained results from tomographic method, elastic waveform modeling is implemented. When the obtained synthetic seismogram is most similar to the survey data, then the best subsurface model is chosen.