社団法人 物理探査学会

多孔質媒体内で生成される固液共存系における超音波波動伝播実験 -データ解析-


Ultrasonic wave transmission measurements were conducted in order to examine the influence of ice-brine coexisting system grown in porous material on ultrasonic P- and S-waves. We observed the variations of a transmitted wave with a frequency content of 150-1000 kHz through a liquid system to a solid-liquid coexistence system, changing its temperature from 20C to -15C. We quantitatively estimated attenuation for porous materials with two different porosities during the freezing of salty water in porous material by considering different distances between the source and receiver transducers. This paper is concerned with attenuation at ultrasonic frequencies of 500-1000 kHz for P-waves and 100-400 kHz for S-waves. The laboratory experiments of the present study demonstrated that ultrasonic waves with such a frequency range are significantly affected by the existence of a solid-liquid coexistence system in the porous material. Our repeatability test indicates that small changes occurred in porous media may influence on the observed waveform, especially in later phase.