社団法人 物理探査学会

模擬メタンハイドレート試料を用いた弾性波減衰に関する室内実験(その7) ー岩石物理学的検討


We use a poroelastic model to describe the propagation of ultrasonic waves through a solid-liquid coexistence system. We used partially frozen brine as a solid-liquid coexistence system to investigate attenuation phenomena. Ultrasonic wave transmission measurements on an ice-brine coexisting system were conducted to examine the influence of unfrozen brine in the pore microstructure on ultrasonic waves. We observed the variations of a 100 - 1000 kHz signal transmitted through a liquid system to a solid-liquid coexistence system, changing its temperature from 20C to -15C. We quantitatively estimated attenuation in a frequency range of 350-600 kHz by considering different distances between the source and receiver transducers. Finally the theoretical model shows a qualitative agreement with the experimental velocity and attenuation results.