Miyazaki Citizen's Plaza , MIYAZAKI, JAPAN
December 4 - 6, 2024

The 151st (2024 Fall) SEGJ Conference will be held at Miyazaki Citizen's Plaza, MIYAZAKI, JAPA . The Conference will take place from December 4 - 6, 2024. Oral and poster sessions concerning various fields on exploration geophysics will be organized during the three-day period. An exhibitionis also going to be held at the conference.
General Information

Miyazaki Citizen's Hall, 1-1-2 Tachibana-Dori, Miyazaki City, MIYAZAKI, JAPAN<

Wed. Dec. 4, 2024 Technical Sessions, Poster Core Time
Thu. Dec. 5, 2024
Technical Sessions, Executive Sessions, Banquet
Fri. Dec. 6, 2024 Technical Sessions, Field Trip
Call for Papers

Deadline: Sep. 18, 2024
Please use the "online submission" to submit the application form.
If Non-Member of the SEGJ would like to present the paper, the author
______tis subject to charge JPY 9,900 for the Enrollment and to pre-regist the Conference Meeting,
_______JOIN the SEGJ

SEGJ Annual Membership Fee
Japanese Residents, or
Japanease Citizens
JPY 9,000-
JPY 4,500-
Non-Japanese Residents and
Non-Japanease Citizens
Normal / Student
USD 45.00-

Submission of Extended Abstract and Short Abstract
Deadline: Oct. 16, 2024 (Member)
Deadline: Sep. 18, 2024 (Non-Member)
All corresponding authors are requested to submit both an extended abstract for the proceedings and a short abstract for publication on the SEGJ Web site, in the specific formats after receiving notice of acceptance for presentation.
You can download the templates below for preparing your abstracts.
Extended Abstract
Short Abstract
(Microsoft Word, 52KB)
(Microsoft Word, 20KB)

The extended abstract must be converted to PDF format.
The short abstract must be in Microsoft Word format (or plain text format) and characters ; < > * & $ # : ' " ( ) [ ] are prohibited. 
Both abstracts are required to reach the SEGJ office via e-mail as attached files by the deadline described above.


Extended Abstract must be submitted. If not, your application shall be cancelled.
Author has full responsibility regarding to contents of Extended Abstract and Presentation.
If you wish to cancel your enrollment for any reason, you must e-mail or telephone to the SEGJ conference committee. The SEGJ conference committee's e-mail adress and phone number are written at the Confirmation Letter sent by the SEGJ conference committeeafter the enrollment.
If you fail to cancel your enrollment without notice, SEGJ conference committee may penalize you not to present to the any SEGJ confernces or Symposiums for one year.

Pre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).

Registered and Paid
(Until Nov. 4,2024)
Onsite Registration
JPY 7,700-*
JPY 8,800-**
Student (Member)
JPY 0,000-*
JPY 0,000-**
JPY 3,850-*
JPY 4,400-**
(Evening on Dec. 5)
JPY 6,600-**
JPY 7,700-**
JPY 3,300-**
JPY 3,300-**
Field Trip
(PM on Dec. 6)
JPY 3,300-**
JPY 3,300-**
JPY 0,000-**
JPY 0,000-**


Pre-registrant will receive PAPER Proceedings at the registration desk of the conference.

PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,650-.
(Pre-registraion Open End of August, 2024)
Field Trip

Saitobaru Burial Mounds
This is a park dotted with more than 300 burial mounds in a vast plateau, built from the end of the 3rd century to the 7th century.
The Saitobaru Archeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture
The museum is located near the Saitobaru Burail Mounds and is the main exhibition about this group of burial mounds.
Fri. Dec 6, 2024 

More information about the field trip will be sent to those who have pre-registered and paid for the field trip.
No Refund Will Be Made.
Please note that the SEGJ reserves the right to cancel the field trip due to low participation. In this case, payment will be refunded in full.

All papers and presentations must be written and given in English or Japanese.
Please note that almost all the participants will be domestic members of SEGJ, and that they will use Japanese for their presentations.

A short abstract will be opened on SEGJ web site before the conference. Please deal with appropriate applications like a patent rights before your abstract submission.

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan (SEGJ)
2F MK5 Bldg., 1-5-6 Higashi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0031, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-6804-7500, FAX:+81-3-5829-8050
URL: e-mail: