Miyazaki Citizen's Plaza , MIYAZAKI, JAPAN
December 4 - 6, 2024

Miyazaki Citizen's Plaza, 1-1-2 Tachibana-Dori, Miyazaki City, MIYAZAKI, JAPAN [Access Map]

Wed. Dec. 4, 2024
Openning Speech Room No.1 (4F)10:10-10:15
Jun MATSUSHIMA (Univ. of Tokyo, GSFS; President of SEGJ)
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Gallery No1, 4F)10:20-15:10
Technical SessionsRoom No.2 (Main Conference Room, 4F)10:20-15:30
Poster Core TimeRoom No.1 (Gallery No1, 4F) 15:50-17:50
Exhibition Room No.3 (Gallery No2, 4F) 11:00-17:20
Thu. Dec. 5, 2024
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Gallery No1, 4F) 09:30-14:40
Technical SessionsRoom No.2 (Main Conference Room, 4F) 09:30-14:40
Executive SessionsRoom No.1 (Gallery No1, 4F) 15:00-17:00
__Chair:Terumasa YAMANE (Geophysical Surveying Co., Ltd.; Vice-President of SEGJ)

Ground Penetrating Radar Survey at The Saitobaru Archeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture
(The Saitobaru Archeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture)

Miyazaki's Strengths: The Appeal of Authentic Shochu - From production to tasty drinking, functionality and alcohol constitution
Masashito SUIKO
(University of Miyazaki, The Center of Food Safety Analysis)
Exhibition Room No.3 (Gallery No2, 4F) 09:30-17:00

MRTmicc (4F)
[Access Map to MRTmicc]

Fri. Dec. 6, 2024
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Gallery No1, 4F)09:30-11:10
Technical SessionsRoom No.2 (Main Conference Room, 4F)09:30-11:30
Exhibition Room No.3 (Gallery No2, 4F) 09:30-11:00
Field Trip

Saitobaru Burial Mounds and
The Saitobaru Archeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture

Pre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).
Registered and Paid
(until Nov. 4, 2024
Onsite Registration
Member / Non-member
JPY 7,700-*
JPY 8,800-**
Student (Member)
JPY 0,000-*
JPY 0,000-**
Student (Non-member)
JPY 3,850-*
JPY 4,400-**
Member / Non-member
JPY 6,600-**
JPY 7,700-**
JPY 3,300-**
JPY 3,300-**


Pre-registrant will receive PAPER Proceedings by mail before the conference.
PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,650-.


Geophysical Surveying Co., Ltd.(GSC)
Hakusan Corporation
ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corpration(CTC)
JGI, Inc.
Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co. Ltd.(KGE)
Sumiko Resources Exploration & Development Co.,Ltd.

Saitobaru Burial Mounds
This is a park dotted with more than 300 burial mounds in a vast plateau, built from the end of the 3rd century to the 7th century.
Sannai Maruyama Special Historical Site
The museum is located near the Saitobaru Burail Mounds and is the main exhibition about this group of burial mounds.
Fri. Dec 6, 2024
Departure from VENUE after the monring technical sessions around 12:30.
Visit to Saitobaru Burial Mounds and The Saitobaru Archeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture.
Arrival at Miyazaki Airport around 16:30.
More information about the field trip will be sent to those who have pre-registered the field trip.
No Refund Will Be Made.
Please note that the SEGJ reserves the right to cancel the field trip due to low participation, and/or to make changes in the itinerary whenever, in its sole judgment, conditions warrant it. In case of cancellation decided by the SEGJ, payment will be refunded in full.

1) Awards of the SEGJ Conference
2) Guide for Technical Session

Dec.4    Room No.1 (Gallery 1, 4F)
Session   [CO2][Resource Exploration1]
Chair   Tetsuo No (JAMSTEC)
Dec.4   10:20 - 10:40
  1) Rock physics-based 1D geomechanical modeling from surface to depth for investigating ground deformation during CO2 injection
  *Koji Kashihara・Hidehiko Shimizu(1)
Dec.4 10:40 - 11:00
2) Integrated analysis of various wavefield information to improve the accuracy of subsurface models
*Susumu Abe・Masafumi Kato・Kimiaki Ochi・Keisuke Teranishi(1)・Hidehiko Shimizu(2)・Hiroshi Sato・Tatsuya Ishiyama(3)
1:JGI,Inc,2:JAPEX,3:Univ. of Tokyo
Dec.4   11:00 - 11:20
  3) Real-Time Monitoring System for Offshore CO2 Storage Sites
  *Takeshi Tsuji・Tarek Imam・Ahmad Ahmad・Kazutoshi Sakamoto・Arata Kioka(1)・Masaharu Ueki・Tadashi Ito(2)・Yuichi Machijima・Yuuma Ebihara(3)
1:U. Tokyo,2:UETAX,3:LAZOC
Dec.4 11:20 - 11:40
4) Coupled exploration of muography and seismic waves using 4D geological model of Sleipner CCS project
*Jun Matsushima・Hamid Basiri(1)・Masashi Kodama・Toshiyuki Yokota(2)・Mohammed Ali・Fateh Bouchaala・Ahmed Eleslambouly(3)・Hiroyuki K.M. Tanaka(4)
1:Univ. of Tokyo, GSFS,2:AIST, GSJ,3:Khalifa University,4:Univ. of Tokyo, ERI
Dec.4   11:40 - 12:00
  5) PASS Signal Reaching a Depth of 2,200 Meters: Towards Continuous Monitoring for CCS
  *Akihisa Takahashi(1)・Takeshi Tsuji(2)・Junji Kinoshita(3)・Takashi Hamajima(1)・Shotaro Nakayama(4)・Takuji Mouri(5)
1:Wavelet, Inc.,2:The University of Tokyo,3:Kyushu University,4:INPEX,5:JOGMEC
Session   [Resource Exploration2][Metal]
Chair   Atsushi Suzuki (JX Metals Resources Exploration & Development Co., Ltd.)
Dec.4   13:30 - 13:50
  6) Effective and practical interpretation of marine transient EM data (1)
  *Keiko Nakayama(1)・Masashi Endo(2)・Akira Saito(3)
1:GeoBless Co., Ltd.,2:RedStoneGEO, LLC,3:Waseda Univ.
Dec.4 13:50 - 14:10
7) Effective and practical interpretation of marine transient EM data (2): Quantitative interpretation
*Masashi Endo(1)・Keiko Nakayama(2)・Akira Saito(3)
1:RedStoneGEO,2:GeoBless,3:Waseda Univ.
Dec.4   14:10 - 14:30
  8) Resistivity structure inferred from a marine vertical DC resistivity survey system in the Aogashima hydrothermal region
  *Ryoichi Kitatani・Keiichi Isizu・Tada-nori Goto(1)・Hisanori Iwamoto(2)・Takahumi Kasaya(3)
1:University of Hyogo,2:NME,3:JAMSTEC
Dec.4 14:30 - 14:50
9) Developing a new and precise method to detect seafloor hydrothermal activities from AUV MBES images
*Takayuki Genda(1)・Kazuhide Mimura(2)・Kentaro Nakamura(1)・Takeshi Nakatani・Kazuya Kitada(3)・Kazutaka Yasukawa・Yasuhiro Kato(1)
1:Univ. of Tokyo,2:AIST,3:JAMSTEC
Dec.4   14:50 - 15:10
  10) Application of a marine vertical DC resistivity survey system
  *Takafumi Kasaya(1)・Hisanori Iwamoto(2)
Dec.4    Room 2 (Main Conference Room, 4F)
Session   [Civil Engineering1][Disaster Prevention1][Earthquake1]
Chair   Keiko Nakayama (GeoBless Co., Ltd.)
Dec.4   10:20 - 10:40
  27) Characteristics of Microtremors at Seismograph Sites and Damaged Sites in the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
  *Shinichiro Mori(1)・Takumi Hayashida(2)
1:Ehime University,Building Research Institute
Dec.4 10:40 - 11:00
28) Remarks on the number of observation points and depth of search for the spartial autocorrelatin method(2)
*Hisao Hayashi(1)・Toshio Takagi(2)・Tsuyoshi Haraguchi(3)
1:Geo-X Gonsultants Corp.,2:Fukken co., Ltd.,3:STORY
Dec.4   11:00 - 11:20
  29) Verification of Detection Method for Floating Tunnel Lining Concrete Using Infrared Thermography
  *Makoto Nakamura・Sota Shimohama・Ryoya Kojima(1)
1:West Nippon Expressway Engineering Kansai
Dec.4 11:20 - 11:40
30) Resistivity monitoring of an embankment using the artificial rainfall simulator
*Hiroshi Kisanuki・Chisato Konishi・Tsuyoshi Kobayashi・Mitsuru Yabe・Takanori Ishikawa(1)・Naoki Sakai(2)・J.E. Chambers・P.I. Meldrum・P.B.Wilkinson ・O.Kuras(3)
Dec.4   11:40 - 12:00
  31) Suggestion of phase-response-value setting method for multi-frequency electromagnetic survey system(GEM-2)
  *Naofumi Nakamura(1)
Session   [Civil Engineering2][Disaster Prevention2][Earthquake2]
Chair   Shinichiro Mori (Ehime University)
Dec.4   13:30 - 13:50
  32) Deep marine seismic survey across the eastern edge of hypocentral region of the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake
  *Tetsuo No・Gou Fujie・Yasuyuki Nakamura・Tsutomu Takahashi・Koichiro Obana(1)・Tatsuya Ishiyama(2)・Kenichi Akama(3)
Dec.4 13:50 - 14:10
33) Basic numerical experiments of FWI for improving shallow SH reflection method
*Takashi Imayoshi・Tetsuya Takemoto(1)
1:Hanshin Consultants
Dec.4   14:10 - 14:30
  34) Seismic wave interferometry considering the direction of Rayleigh wave by using CCWA method
  *Hiro Nimiya(1)
Dec.4 14:30 - 14:50
35) Evaluation of site amplification factors in Morioka area by microtremor array surveys
Kenshiro Oikawa・*Hidekazu Yamamoto・Tsuyoshi Saito(1)
1:Iwate University
Dec.4   14:50 - 15:10
  36) Microtremor array survey in the disaster area of 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake
  *Tsutomu Ochiai(1)・Yoshiharu Shumuta・Yoshiya Oda(2)・Nobuhiro Hasegawa(3)・Takahisa Enomoto(1)
1:Kanagawa-u.,2:Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.,3:Tokyo Denki Univ.
Dec.4 15:10 - 15:30
37) Active and passive surface wave methods and single station three-component microtremor measurements at Kyoto Basin
Koichi Hayashi(1)・Toru Suzuki・Koki Yokozawa・*Kei'ichiro Sakanishi(2)・Tomio Inazaki(3)・kenji Mima(4)・Chisato Konishi・Haruhiko Suzuki(5)
1:Kyoto University,2:Mony Exploration,3:Non-affiliated, 4:Ohta Geo Research,5:OYO Corporation
Dec.4    Core Time: Room 1 (Gallery 1, 4F), Exhibition: Room 3 (Gallery 2, 4F)
Session   [#Poster]
Chair   Takeshi Tsuji (The University of Tokyo)
Dec.4 15:50 - 17:50
P-1) Analysis of events due to strong ground motion using camera movies during the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
*Kazuma Moriya・Nobuyuki Yamada(1)
1:Kochi Univ.,Kochi Univ.
Dec.4   15:50 - 17:50
  P-2) Theoretical, numerical, and real data comparison of DAS measurements using optical fibers installed on the ground surface and three-component velocity-type geophone recordings
  *Mori Keishiro(1)・Kobayashi Yuki・Naruse Ryohei(2)・Ikeda Tatsunori(1)
1:Kyushu University,2:INPEX
Dec.4 15:50 - 17:50
P-3) Development of a three-dimensional inversion code for magnetotellurics using adjoint state method
*Atsushi Suzuki(1)
1:JX Metals Resources Exploration & Development Co., Ltd.
Dec.4   15:50 - 17:50
  P-4) Evaluation of the accuracy of structural estimation in marine controlled-source electromagnetic survey using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
  *Naoki Takahashi・Tatsuya Kado ・ Tada-nori Goto(1)
1:Univ. Hyogo
Dec.4 15:50 - 17:50
P-5) Numerical simulation of hydrothermal circulation based on AMT surveys in the Unzen geothermal area
*Mao Monden・Nagi Yamashita・Tada-nori Goto(1)
1:Univ. Hyogo
Dec.4   15:50 - 17:50
  P-6) Effectiveness of semblance analysis in identifying locations of buried objects using profile-measurement in GPR
  Shino Nouchi・*Tada-nori Goto(1)
1:Univ. Hyogo
Dec.4 15:50 - 17:50
P-7) An AI Method for Detecting GPR Reflectors with Generative Model
*Shinichiro Iso(1)
1:Fukada Geological Institute
Dec.4   15:50 - 17:50
  P-8) Inversion of Surface Wave Apparent Phase Velocity Data Using Fused lasso (2) - Model Selection Based on Information Criteria -
  *Shigeki Kawamura(1)
Dec.4 15:50 - 17:50
P-9) Estimation of S-wave velocity structure of shallow sedimentary layers using microtremor array measurements in Ozu city.
*Haruhiko Suzuki(1)
1:OYO [Voluntary members of The Party for Microtremor]
Dec.4   15:50 - 17:50
  P-10) Microtremor exploration at the edge of the Kochi Plain
  *Nobuyuki Yamada(1)
1:Kochi Univ.
Dec.5    Room 1 (Gallery 1, 4F)
Session   [Oil & Gas][Resource Exploration3]
Chair   Tadanori Goto (University of Hyogo)
Dec.5   9:30 - 9:50
  11) Parametric study of 1D seismic wave propagation modeling for Q-value estimation: Evaluation of the seismic wave scattering and intrinsic attenuation properties
  *Hiromu Otsu・Jun Matsushima(1)
1:The university of Tokyo,
Dec.5 9:50 - 10:10
12) Depth Migration in the National Program for Oil and Gas Prospecting
*Yuki Kawano(1)・Kenji Nakajima・Waka Komatsu(2)・Shun Harigaya・Toshiko Furukawa(1)・Andrew Wu・Steve Novosel(2)
Dec.5   10:10 - 10:30
  13) Source Waveform Coding Method for Multi-Channel Seismic Survey by Simultaneous Exciting of Seismic Sources
  *Yoshihiro Tanada(1)・Masato Iguchi(2)・Tomoki Tsutsui・Haruhisa Nakamichi(1)
1:DPRI Kyoto University,2:Kagoshima City Office
Dec.5 10:30 - 10:50
14) Locating small scale heterogeneities with DAS
*Kota Mukumoto(1)・Yann Capdeville(2)・Tatsunori Ikeda(3)・Donatienne Leparoux(4)・Tsuji Takeshi(5)
1:JAMSTEC,2:Nantes Université, CNRS, Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences,3:Kyushu University,4:GERS-GeoEND,Université Gustave Eiffel,5:Tokyo University
Dec.5   10:50 - 11:10
  15) Autonomous Exploration System Using Small Rovers on the Moon and Earth
  *Takeshi Tsuji・Imam Tarek・Arata Kioka・Kazutoshi Sakamoto・Keisuke Onodera(1)・Fumitoshi Murakami・Hitoshi Tsukahara・Kimiaki Ochi・Naoshi Aoki・Susumu Abe(2)・Satoshi Tanaka・Junichi Haruyama(3)
1:U. Tokyo,2:JGI,3:JAXA
Dec.5 11:10 - 11:30
16) Impact of Fiber Cable Installation Conditions in S-DAS Measurements on Earthquake Magnitude Estimation
*Ryohei Naruse・Yuki Kobayashi(1)
Session   [Geothermal Energy1][Volcano1]
Chair   Tsutomu Ochiai (Kanagawa University)
Dec.5   13:00 - 13:20
  17) Seismic airgun blasting in a pit within pumice layers, as a pilot experiment for Time-lapse Seismic Volcano Monitoring
  *Tomoki Tsutsui(1)・Masato Iguchi(2)
1:Kyoto University,2:Kagoshima City 
Dec.5 13:20 - 13:40
18) Geothermal Reservoir Monitoring by Repeated Micro-gravity Measurements and Microtremor Observations
*Yohei Morifuji(1)・Hiroaki Sato・Masayuki Kuriyama・Kenji Kubota(2)・Jun Nishijima(3)
1:CRIEPI,Kyushu University,2:CRIEP,3:Kyushu University
Dec.5   13:40 - 14:00
  19) The second geothermal exploration using the DAS in the Kijiyama geothermal borehole, Yuzawa, Akita.: Preliminary report
  *Junzo Kasahara・Yoko Hasada(1)・Masaru Suzuki・Tomohiro Takahashi(2)・Hisashi Kadonokuchi(1)・Yoshihiro Fujise(3)
Dec.5 14:00 - 14:20
20) Spatial distribution and velocity structure of H/V spectral ratio obtained using seismic observation records on Hachijojima island
*Toshiki Watanabe(1)・Yoshiya Oda・Hiroyuki Azuma(2)
1:Nagoya Univ.,2:Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Dec.5   14:20 - 14:40
  21) Evaluation of the earthquake detection performance of machine learning models using temporary earthquake observation records in Hachijojima
  *Hiroyuki Azuma(1)・Hikaru Kunimasa(2)・Adrianto Widi Kusumo・Yoshiya Oda(1)・Toshiki Watanabe(3)・Toshifumi Matsuoka(4)
1:Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2:Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.,3:Nagoya University,4:Fukada Geological Institute
Session   Executive Lectures
Chair   Terumasa Yamane (Geophysical Surveying Co., Ltd.)
Dec.5   15:00〜16:00   Noriaki Higashi (Saitobaru Archaeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture)
Dec.5 16:00〜17:00 Masahito Suiko (University of Miyazaki, The Center of Food Safety Analysis)
Dec.5    Room 2 (Main Conference Room, 4F)
Session   [Groundwater][Civil Engineering3][Soil]
Chair   Kunio Aoike (OYO Corporation)
Dec.5   9:30 - 9:50
  38) Time-domain IP electrical survey for accurate interpretation of subsurface structure: a case study in the Nishi-Niren River basin
  *Watanabe Aoi・Komori Shogo・Kamimura Kento・Ichikawa Masayuki(1)
Dec.5 9:50 - 10:10
39) Application of advanced time domain IP (TDIP) method in sedimentary layers
*Shogo Komori・Aoi Watanabe(1)
Dec.5   10:10 - 10:30
  40) Detecting water-table fluctuations by two-dimensional cross-correlation analysis of ground-penetrating radar sections
  *Kyosuke Onishi・Nozomu Suzuki(1)
1:Public Works Research Institute
Dec.5 10:30 - 10:50
41) On the generalization ability of physics-Informed Neural Networks
*Matsuoka Toshifumi(1)
1:Fukada Geological Institute
Dec.5   10:50 - 11:10
  42) Relationship between the near-surface resistivity structure and distribution of surface rupture around the Futagawa fault, Japan.
  *Nagi Yamashita・Tada-nori Goto・Keiichi Ishizu・Rei Amano・Souma Yamamoto・Yasuhiro Sugitani・Nana Fujiwara・Naoki Takahashi・Mao Monden(1)・Satoru Yamaguchi(2)
1:University of Hyogo,2:Osaka City University
Session   [Infrastructure Maintenance Management][Buried Object][Structure]
Chair   Yasutomo Yamauchi (Dia Nippon Engineering Consultants)
Dec.5   13:00 - 13:20
  43) Delineation of subsurface cavity by using microgravity method
  *Masatoshi Yagi・Yuto Sasaya・Ken Yokota(1)・Souichirou Sawada・Katsuya Noda(2)
1:JGI, Inc.,2:GEOSYS, Inc.
Dec.5 13:20 - 13:40
44) Visualization of Surface Wave Propagation Behavior in Cracked Concrete Specimens
*Nahoko Akiyoshi・Hiroyuki Azuma・Kentaro Ohno・Yoshiya Oda(1)
1:Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Dec.5   13:40 - 14:00
  45) Simultaneous automatic determination of buried pipelines and reflection coefficients sign using instantaneous phase of GPR data
  *Kunio Aoike(1)
1:OYO Corporation
Dec.5 14:00 - 14:20
46) Muon tomography with sparse coding using dictionary learning
*Ryohei Nakano(1)・Masashi Kodama・Toshiyuki Yokota(2)・Jun Matsushima(1)
1:The University of Tokyo, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,The University of Tokyo
Dec.5   14:20 - 14:40
  47) An attempt to infer resistivity structure from seismic velocity structure using deep learning
  *Souma Yamamoto・Tada-nori Goto(1)
Dec.6    Room 1 (Gallery 1, 4F)
Session   [Resource Exploration4][Geothermal Energy2][Other]
Chair   Naofumi Nakamura (NGP)
Dec.6   9:30 - 9:50
  22) Drone magnetic surveys for the risk assessment of landslide applied to mapping of hydrothermal alteration areas
  *Shigeo Okuma・Ayumu Miyakawa・Keiichi Sakaguchi・Hideo Hoshizumi・Tomoya Abe・Keiya Yoneoka・Hiroaki Koge(1)・Hikari Yonekura(2)・Daisaku Kawabata・Yoshinori Miyachi(1)
1:AIST,2:Previously AIST
Dec.6 9:50 - 10:10
23) Gravity Aeromagnetic Integrated Analysis in Volcanic Area
*Shigeki Mizutani(1)
Dec.6   10:10 - 10:30
  24) Curie point depths analysis for submarine geothermal resources in Okinawa sea area
  *Yasukuni Okubo・Shoichi Yamano・Kazumi Osato・Masatake Sato・Tatuya Sato(1)・Takeya Nakabayashi(2)
1:Geothermal Energy Research & Development Co. LTD.,2:Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.
Dec.6 10:30 - 10:50
25) Estimation of vertical velocity from horizontal strain rate measured by surface DAS records using machine learning
*Takuto Amano(1)・Yuki Kobayashi・Ryohei Naruse(2)・Tatsunori Ikeda(1)
1:Kyushu Univ.,2:INPEX
Dec.6   10:50 - 11:10
  26) Estimation of temporal changes in seismic wave velocity using coda wave interferometry with an accurately controlled seismic source
  *Feng Chen・Toshiki Watanabe(1)・Ryouya Ikuta(2)・Koshun Yamaoka(1)・Shuhei Tsuji(3)
1:Nagoya University,2:Shizuoka University,3:Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology
Dec.6    Room 2 (Main Conference Room, 4F)
Session   [Civil Engineering4][Earthquake3][Disaster Prevention3]
Chair   Haruhiko Suzuki (OYO Corporation)
Dec.6   9:30 - 9:50
  48) Effect of reflected and refracted waves on Rayleigh wave phase velocity estimation in horizontally layered ground
  *Shuntaro Miyanaga(1)・Hiroaki Yamanaka・Seiji Tsuno(2)
1:Taisei Corporation,2:Tokyo Inst.
Dec.6 9:50 - 10:10
49) Estimating S-wave Velocity Structure Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing with Fiber Optics in a Shallow Subsurface for slope Monitoring
*Yasutomo Yamauchi(1)・Yoshihiro Sugimoto(2)・Hiroyuki Takaoka・Shoji Seno・Michio Imai・Yuichi Yoshimura(3)・Makoto Nishigaki(4)・Nishimura Akira(5)
1:Dia Nippon Engineering Consultants ,2:geotomo-lab,3:Kajima Corporation,4:IMTERA,5:Okayama Soil Laboratory
Dec.6   10:10 - 10:30
  50) Observation of Long-Period Ground Motion for Model-Building of Deep Sedimentary Layers in Lima, Peru
  *hiroaki yamanaka・Hiroe Miyake・Koji Miyakawa・Miwako Ando(2)・Hisao Kondo(3)・Gerson CARRASCO・Carlos GONZALES・ Zenon AGUILAR(4)
1:Tokyo Inst. Tech.,2:Earthq. Res. Inst., The Univ. Tokyo, 3:Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 4:Japan Peru Center for Earthquake Engineering Research and Disaster Mitigation
Dec.6 10:30 - 10:50
51) Evaluation of 2D Deep S-wave Velocity Structure with Waveform Inversion of Earthquake Ground Motion Record in Bursa, Turkey
*Kentaro Kasamatsu(1)・Hiroaki Yamanaka(2)・Hiroe Miyake(3)・Masashi Morita(4)・Daiki Sato(2)
1:Kajima Tech. Res. Inst.,2:Tokyo Inst. Tech.,3:Earthq. Res. Inst., Univ. Tokyo,4:Yokohama National Univ.
Dec.6   10:50 - 11:10
  52) Evaluation of the Phase Velocity Change in the Multi-Channel Surface Wave Exploration Method Under Groundwater Level Fluctuation by Water Injection
  *Nobuo Takai(1)・Michiko Shigefuji(2)・Seiji Tsuno(3)・Naohumi Nakagawa(1)・Shingo Nomoto・Tetsunori Kishikawa(4)・Jun Horita(5)・Syunzo Kawajiri(6)・Takayuki Kawaguchi(7)・Hiroaki Yamanaka(3)
1:Hokkaido Univ.,2:Kyushu Univ.,3:Tokyo Inst.Tech.,,4:Geo-Technical Research Co.,Ltd.,5:Kyushu Inst.Tech.6:Kyushu Univ.,7:Kitami Inst.Tech.
Dec.6 11:10 - 11:30
53) Evaluation of results obtained from electrical survey and GPR survey under groundwater level fluctuation by water injection
*Shingo Nomoto・Tetsunori Kishikawa(1)・Jun Horita(2)・Hiroaki Yamanaka(3)・Syunzo Kawajiri(4)・Seiji Tsuno(3)・Nobuo Takai・Naofumi Nakagawa(5)・Michiko Shigefuji(6)・Takayuki Kawaguchi(7)
1:Geo-Technical Research Co.,Ltd.,2:Kei Corp.,3:Tokyo Inst.Tech.,4:Kyushu Inst.Tech.,5:Hokkaido Univ.,6:Kyushu Univ.,7:Kitami Inst.Tech.